I would totally watch that movie.
I would totally watch that movie.
God, this is just so fucked up. This is the kind of crap that makes me truly ashamed of this country.
Not arguing that cyclists need to obey traffic rules and be aware of their surroundings. Of course they should. But it is definitely NOT as dangerous for you to swerve in your 2,000 pound roll cage with seat belts and airbags as it is for the completely vulnerable cyclist. All they have to protect them is a helmet,…
You Penny, are absolutely right. Jezebel and all the other news outlets that keep writing these articles about Hathaway and Lawrence and how much they like them or don't like them do it because they're women. Nobody ever talks about how much they like or dislike male celebrities, ever. Never, never, ever, and it's…
You should read this, http://www.amazon.com/Traffic-Drive-What-Says-About/dp/0307277194/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1362523460&sr=1-1&keywords=traffic
Doesn't matter. My point is that no matter how much a cyclist pisses you off, they cannot kill you with their bike, but you can very easily kill them with your car. It's a scale thing, you see? Annoyed vs. dead. I just wish more driver kept that in mind.
Well I'VE never seen this before, so keep on posting! This shit is creepy!
That doesn't change the fact that in 2009 there were 630 fatalities from car vs. cyclist incidents and 51,000 injuries. http://www.bicyclinginfo.org/faqs/answer.cfm?id=40
You're getting a lot of "I can relates" here, but I still have to throw mine is as well. I can totally relate, and yes, it's hard. My boyfriend is from an entirely different world, along with all of our friends, and I'm literally the only poor person in our circle. It sucks, and sometimes I just want to get up and…
Yeah, some cyclists are dicks, but so are most drivers. The difference is that when a cyclist pisses you off and you retaliate, you could very easily KILL that person. Kill em' dead.
No, I don't think it was more important to be riled up about the boob song. I think the way the entertainment industry treats children, women, black women, everybody who isn't a white male is awful. I just happen to agree with the author that cunt shouldn't be a bad word. Period. I'm done with this conversation now.
I like wearing makeup too. From the ages of 15-30 I put my face on every day. Then I got a job where all the women I worked with didn't wear any makeup, so I stopped to see how it felt, and I LOVE it! Being bare faced that is. I still wear makeup when I go out with friends or to wedding and other fancy occasions, but…
Look, I get that black women and girls have it much worse in the entertainment industry than white women, and I know that white feminists tend to overlook the issues of black women all the time, but the word cunt just isn't very rage inducing for me. I know it's supposed to be the "worst thing you can call a woman!"…
In this clip he's using "cunt" the same way American men use "pussy" (different words for the same thing!). You're absolutely correct in that this is insulting BECAUSE it's comparing him to a woman. Calling someone a dick is never, ever as offensive as calling someone a cunt or a pussy or a bitch, especially is that…
So they're not perfect. So what? This is still a great feminist blog, and they do WAY more to uncover bullshit like this than any other site I've seen. This years Oscar's were a hot mess all around, and I think they've done a great job considering what they're up against.
Yes. Funniest shit EVER!
Ya know, screw eating horse. We all need to get on board with eating bugs. Bugs are where humanity's future is at. Someday it'll be bugs or nothing y'all!