
Thanks! I just looked at Madewell's website and I like what I see! I hadn't thought to look there yet!

Thanks! I'll definitely check out Target and Loft! I probably should consider cold washing and line drying too! Not being gentle with my sweaters is probably part of my problem :)

As long as you're upfront about what you want you should ask to meet up as soon as you feel like it! I'm online dating right now and if someone messaged me and wanted to hang out as a friend, I'd probably be pretty happy with that! Sometimes it's nice to hang out without expecting anything other than great company and

Hey everyone! I have a fashion question :) I am the destroyer of sweaters and I can never seem to keep a cardigan or pullover in one piece for longer than a month. Does anyone know where I can find sweaters in bright colors that won't fall apart? I'm also really petite (like 5' on a good day) so that makes it a little

I loved the Harry Potter series but I think reading it out of order might help you get into it. I read the 3rd book first and then finished the others. I think the 3rd is still my favorite! The first couple of books felt a little disorganized, but by the 3rd you really start to feel that JK has a hold on the world she

I hope you don't feel like you need to distance yourself for much longer! I feel like I whine too much to my friends and family too. I live halfway across the country from most of my family and friends and I work in a career field that is extremely competitive and hard to move up in. It took me awhile to realize that

Finding out about underage relationships is so awkward! One of my exes (who's in his mid 20s) followed me on instagram so I looked at his pictures and noticed one girl liked all of them. I looked at her instagram and it was all pics of her and my ex together (like kissing pics and stuff), which wouldn't have been

"Personally, I'm more interested in this beachy number, which is apparently the work of the Australian designer Zimmerman. But it'll keep until there's a passable Forever21 knockoff:"

Babies can be super loud when babbling too and it's going to be frustrating no matter what, but it doesn't mean you hate kids! People get really sensitive when it comes to children, it's easy to forget that it sucks to be inconvenienced by someone else's kid and not be able to do anything about it. I kind of wonder if

I get really sensitive and angry about too much noise too! I live below a baby, a six year old, and their mother who stomps around and I get so upset! I sleep with ear plugs and I can still hear them. There's something about a baby crying that seems to pierce through walls. I work a morning shift so I usually go to

A moderately successful TV anchor in NYC would make at least in the six figures or very close to it. If you were anchoring the evening news, then half a million wouldn't be unusual! NYC is the number one local market with a high cost of living, so the paychecks there can get pretty big! The thing that bothers me is

I'm excited for the end! I started watching casually in grad school so I never got too invested, but I've watched this season the whole way through and I really like the mother character! I wish there was more of her in the past season :)

I'm 26 and I get crap from friends and family about not being married yet. Now instead of worrying about being single and never getting married, I will worry about becoming a Fear-Driven Frida who ends up with an Externally-Influenced Ed :) Lol, this article was a good read for me today though! I feel better about

I dislike fur (unless it's fake) but I really like the cut of this jacket/cape thing!

That made my day!

Thanks! It's so nice to know that I'm not alone in feeling like this. Fingers crossed for new cameras at my station!

Every time I see Cara Delevingne I end up with eyebrow envy! Also I love this outfit!

I'm an on air meteorologist and I know exactly what you are talking about! Some days I go home and feel like I need to change everything about myself. I wear so much more make up now (HD is the devil especially with bad lighting and bad cameras) and I constantly think about losing weight even though I really don't

It's perfect!

So it was actually just a shell that was torn down after filming and not a real house, but I want the house from Practical Magic soooooo baaaaaaddddddddddd!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!