MerricatTheExiled she’d go after the companies that denied her employment and didn’t inform her that it was due to a background check. It’s a requirement under the Fair Credit Reporting Act that any adverse actions taken against someone with respect to employment and due to a

Regardless of whether the original charge was legal, the Fair Credit Reporting Act requires that if you are to take adverse actions (denying or terminating employment) based on a background check, you must inform the person you are taking those actions against of the fact, and provide them the necessary contact

So I’m not a lawyer, especially one in Texas or Oklahoma... but as someone who worked in HR and dealt peripherally with background checks (I was HRIS and was responsible for helping setup the interfaces between our HR management systems and our background check vendors) I’m 99.99% certain that if you make an

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I really enjoy Glenn and Friends Cooking

Or carpet bomb the area, or any of the 999 ways our military have of mass area denial?

Dude, the buildings and cars are still on fire in one shot. How is that possible?

So from that can we assume she’s also 100% blind? I mean Ethan was hiding about as well as a 2 year old who still thinks if they can’t see you, you can’t see them and she twice looked almost directly at him, yet somehow didn’t notice him?

As a counterpoint, I’ve had the same account and credit card number with the same bank since I got it in college, so for over three decades now.

As someone who has gotten back into playing modded Elder Scrolls games after a decade or so absence, allow me to point out it’s not that hard to run up an install size if you are making all your textures ‘4k’, compressed or no.

From one point of view, the people speaking out now are the people from “early Whedon”, i.e. even if he believed what he was saying he obviously wasn’t practicing it that well. On the other hand, I agree that having been told so often that he was a ‘feminist hero’ and a ‘visionary director’ that power got to his head

Perpetual Entertainment is who you are thinking of. Not Paradox. Paradox has been a publisher for most of it’s existence and while their games may not qualify as AAA, they most definately make it to the finish line and are of sufficent quality that I would have a hard time laying the blame down on them mismanaging.

Before Die Hard, Bruce Willis was essentially a ‘nobody’. His biggest claim to fame was a lead role in a five season long detective themed rom-com. The posters for Die Hard didn’t even have Bruce in them, no one expected him to be able to pull off transitioning to an action star. I know, today it’s hard to imagine

The additional sad part about that photo, if their Dominos works anything like any of the fast food places I worked at as a youth, they would have been sent home shortly after that picture and told they would only be paid for those four hours of rush time and that since the store was out of ingredients, they shouldn’t

Good news was that Mark basically tore him a new one in response and made it fairly clear that if Mark had anything to do with it, Greg wouldn’t be voicing Cullen any more -

As someone who in prior financial times would often pay for the next car’s DQ, the point of the act is to give a bit of sunshine to someone random. The idea that I’d be creating an onus on someone else to ‘keep the chain going’ or ‘pay it forward’ themselves would actually have caused me to probably decide not to do

As someone who was from the same generation as Ernie, being of it doesn’t make the book any better. Nostalgia is awesome in small doses, I still enjoy the Airwolf sketch he did well before he was an ‘anyone’ and watch it every now and then when I get the urge. But a constant never ending stream of it just makes you