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That’s what the Firefly scientists think, and even if we assume via “Word of God” they were correct and telling the truth, given the fungus is all over her brain the intelligent thing to do would have been to take a small sample of that fungus - without killing her - test that, then move forward with other options if

The publisher Ysbryd Games has a Twitch channel ( and recently did a sneek peek playthrough of this if anyone is interested.

At the end of the day the whole argument that Ellie should die to the Firefly scientists is an argument that defies both in game and real world logic..

Google already does this to an extent. Search for a show/movie and as long as Google realizes that’s what you are doing, it’ll make the first result an info card containing info from wikipedia and IMDB about the movie and then a list of streaming services that carry it. I dimly recall if you are using personalized

I order from them online all the time, I order pretty much any fast food I can online because it allows me to customize it without worrying about the cashier actually ringing it up correctly and usually means I can just drive there, get out, get the food, and drive home in less time. And in a normal circumstance where

I think you are a little too heavily invested in attacking Subway.

To put this bluntly, the one thing that I never bought into even as a kid who only had TOS and the Pocket Books to follow was the idea that somehow the Federation was a utopia or that Starfleet was 100% egalitarian.

Gone Home, Tacoma, Half Life 2. No question.

Mosser Glass Rose Pink Bathing Beauty Soap Trinket Dish

Mosser Glass Rose Pink Bathing Beauty Soap Trinket Dish

That being said, you can get a bag of way more than you’ll need” certified food safe packets for around $9-$20 on Amazon, and I’m sure other places as well. They are so ubiquitous in packaging because they are also super cheap.

If you need a thickening agent to add to cold food, why not just use a thickening agent that works in cold food, like guar gum? 

It’s not that hard if the game is your goto time waster and is old enough. Given Runescape is even older than TF2, I’m not sure I’d bat an eye at someone who plays it for ‘money’ having that many hours in it.

The ‘spirit’ of Battle Royale is to use everyone and everything to your advantage to ensure you survive. If that means a temporary truce to avoid wasting resources, or to take out a stronger opponent, then that is what you should be doing. That’s true for the original movie (book) that defined the current genre, and AN

That would imply EA would be willing to stop trying to get blood from a stone.

To be fair, the bundle contains the base game and all of the expansions but the most recent. But not all the DLC, the ‘content packs’ and the other stuff are excluded (speaking as someone who purchased the bundle 30 seconds after the notification of it popped up).

As much as I respect your attempt to argue from that standpoint, I think you need to look up what Lovecraft’s cat’s name was and then reevaluate if your argument actually holds water in this case. Hint: No.