
LOL, I don't think you're alone in that. ;D

I know, it's how debt works. US loans cash against bonds. But bonds basically become cash if/when traded as cash - and as anything it becomes useless if someone are selling them cheap. As simple as. And also nothing new. :)

You do know these cars roam the streets of Arizona since over a year and will now drive in Cali too, I mean, in the streets of the big cities... They do work. Right now. They might cost a million a piece, but they do work. Now. We know this as they are in use, hehe... If you missed that. I dunno what Darpa and the

If you ever taken a cab in N.Y, it just couldn't be worse than that - even without a driver - so yeah, absolutely. :D

And now the Americans go, "but we have better planes", totally missing that China owns thousands of Billions in US state bonds thus selling 500 billion of those on the open market would basically bankrupt the US over night. So yeah, the F35 is better but in a dogfight the Chinese plane wins as the USF cant afford to

They are hydraulically controlled variable openings, so no. :)

Yeah, but this guy is not American, so how could he have communicated with the enemy - and what enemy? So if I talk to a random iranian in the street here, am I now enemy of US as well? Land of the free, hehe, yeah right. Americans, they once again take stupidity to a whole other level.

And nothing. Just silence. ;D

This issue is exaggerated. I think most Apple users are probably holding their phones up-side-down. Not at all strange the maps are out of whack then... ;D

This functionality will be outlawed in Arizona for sure.

Yeah, we have one of those in the middle of town here - the city outgrew the shipyards which are now replaced with really nice seaside apartment buildings, and smack in the middle you have this... She is a beauty. :D

Apple is doing something really dumb, they are walking into areas where their competitors are better suited to compete. I just don't see Apple catching up with Google in data mining, mapping, searching anytime soon, no matter how much cash they have it's about time and you can't get more of than your competitors have

Yes, I see no problem with Apple achieving this in three months, Google are of course retards that took 7-8 years to get to where they are with mapping data... ;D

They wanted to blindside Google. With a really crappy product. Naeh, I think this is about Google not allowing navigation and all that, Apple really wanted that in Iphone 5, they had nothing much more to 'wow' with... But this is it I think, Android isn't going away and Apple can't really come up with something new to

Yeah, in a way this is a kind of 'your kidding' moment in regard to iOS6 users thinking Apple will soon as good (or even close) as Google in mapping - yeah, but no. Google have cars driving themselves, that's how good their data is. And yeah, it's lots of lidars & carp in the cars too, hardware-wise, I know - but it's

Years of streetfighting & martial arts taught me one thing. If you can't 'end' a fight it's was a bad idea to get into it in the first place. And Iran cannot 'end' a fight against Israel, US, Saudi and who ever else will join in. They might try though, but man will they fail. Sadly I think they are to ignorant &

Now we just need a high speed camera and some black powder and we are 1/300th done making Independance Day II... :D #practicalfx

So, when you're lost you can always boot your MBP and use iCloud to get an accurate position. That'll come in handy on the freeway... ;D

I'm disappointed. If it can't turn into an invisible gargantuan quadrocopter, then what's the point? #avengers

Well, here in Sweden I heard you get 1/6 of the value in dope-theft crap and as you proposedly need $200 a day to keep an amphetamine habit you need to steal for $1.200 every day. That's a pretty insane number. On the other hand it puts food on the table for all the cops & insurance people, hehe... ;D