I don't know what's worse....the yellow paint, or that an Acura ad plays before the video.
I don't know what's worse....the yellow paint, or that an Acura ad plays before the video.
Man those people at Commonwealth sure are smart.
Don't forget to put your aluminum foil hat on this afternoon!
Lord of the Rings.
Love you too, kemosabe.
Better hope the ones over on Jezebel don't get a hold of this.
I dunno...I stopped reading your comment after the first line. It got boring. So I posted a fun video instead.
Here is that claim:
The real question is how can I get my cars out on the closed section of City (coleman Young) airport??????
Christ...who produces this shit??
Well if that's the case...maybe I should just replace the front fender (and possibly bumper)....see how much it is to paint, and sell the damn thing for $2K
Better to take it apart myself and put parts on ebay? Having people come collect parts seems easier, but they'll prob just hack away at it to get what they want...plus they'll know where I live.
Since this is the "dumbest way" to part out a car...what's the best? I have a car with some body damage that I know won't sell for much, but the parts could be worth more. Right now it's just sitting in my driveway. Could use some advise.
Remember, opening beer with your helicopter is better with 90s Eurodance. Like everything.
I think the Russians will more than likely use the T-72, rather than the T-90. That's what I've heard, at least.
That one still belonged to GM...so no markup there.
So when will the dash cam videos be posted??
Can we talk about the Perfect Storm looking waters directly in front of the boat as it pitches up and down??? Now THAT shit is scary.
Because one of the passengers sticks their leg out as they are about to roll over! (Kinja won't let me reference a start time...2:04)
The problem with Spotify is it's a data hog. Pandora isn't great either, but Spotify just sucks up those 2gb of data within 2 weeks.