
What’s the source on this? I want to call shenanigans.
Not only did she say on RHONY last week (essentially) that sometimes love just ain’t enough—B is smart enough to not get married again after the shit show that was Jason Hoppy.

Surprised he didn’t go with “low IQ” dog, his favorite dog whistle (no pun intended).

Yep. She recorded a conversation where people were talking about what the tape might say, if it exists. Katrina Pierson says she doesn’t believe he said it, Omarosa says she definitely thinks he could have said it. 

Our daily reminder that she was super chill with all this while she was in on the grift...

This is confusing to me because Australia is an English speaking country. Does “good character” means something different there? Like how the English call crackers “biscuits”, or refer to the hood of a car as a “bonnet”, or refer to garbage as “food”?

One of my friends is still a church-attending Catholic (primarily for the community rather than the church leadership) and she told me that they were sent a letter and asked to pray for this piece of shit before he resigned. No mention of the victims of Church abuses, just his victimhood. Needless to say, the

His crime was 40 years ago. He didn’t have good character back then... it’s just that the cops weren’t aware of him.

He even refused to resign from position as the archbishop of Adelaide until a couple of weeks ago, when he was persuaded to step down by his fellow clergy (following significant public backlash).

he had previously been of good character.

his primary motive being to protect the Catholic church.

I'm 50, with grey hair, and balding. Even I look better/younger than he does.

John Kasich is a piece of shit, but we now live in a world where both he and Omarosa may serve at least some positive purpose - nudging Trump closer and closer to his inevitable rage stroke.

Tweets about Omarosa summarized:

So many people want to get in & then shut the door behind them. :-(

This bothers me too. I’m watching from over here in Ireland and there are way too many Trump asshole-kissing Ryans, Kellys, Conways, (formerly) Bannons in there. The family line I came from obviously didn’t emigrate but the Irish were one of the largest masses of huddled, tired, poor wretches and fuck them for

I have cramps like that sometimes.

Aww that totally sucks! At least it’s just the name though? And not the business idea? Let us know if you need brainstorming help!

I did NOT attend a 2 yo’s B-day party. I belong to a group for random socializing (lunches, walks, etc). A year after I joined 2 members had babies. Now there are 6 babies.  So many baby activities now.  I am super done with little kid stuff (my kids are 17 and 20).

I’ve been in my new house for a week now and living alone is the fucking best. I don’t think I’ve closed the bathroom door once. And I baked a huge wedding dessert order in my own kitchen when I damn well felt like it (no more scheduling kitchen time).