
Once in college, I had to explain Montana Sheep Jokes to someone. Then she said, “I have a beaver at home, but it has a hole in it and when I rub it white stuff comes out.” Then, the next day she brought in her sadly worn stuffed beaver and I had to explain that to her too.

Tom throws off the chains, and goes and finds his own online erotica.

During an appearance on The Late Show With Stephen Colbert on Monday, Judd Apatow enlightened and entertained viewers with the tale of how Seth Rogen once allegedly had to convince Cruise that internet porn indeed is real. Also, people use it.”

I’m in. Let’s have a social blog and all watch Mother! together. You could make it a monthly thing. Like a book club for people who are too tired to read. (Seriously, I have barely read a book since November 2016.)

‘I don’t know how it came up, but it usually comes up with Seth where he starts talking about marijuana and pornography.’

I saw this a few months ago, and thought it was an SNL gag commercial. I forget though, his base it the kind of people who love this tacky shit. 

I believe you, but once in college I had to explain to a friend that porn was people actually having sex with one another, not just pretending, which she thought wasn’t how it worked, because, “That’s illegal!”

Based on the possibly unhealthy number of stories/reporting I’ve read about Scientology and their stance on the Internet, I ABSOLUTELY believe that their most strongly-cocooned and most famous spokesmodel had NO IDEA there was porn on there.

Nothing says respect like wrapping yourself in a flag blanket while you eat popcorn and fart on your couch.

It’s like the only part of the flag code they remember is standing up…

I guess, like, I hope it was a smart lib who thought it up and is now cashing in?

Sorry, I should have been more articulate. I actually agree with you, we have evolved beyond the death penalty. I just like the idea of somehow yelling “GIVE HIM THE CHAIR!” at him.

The FEMA story is way grosser.  He hired his friends and frat brothers.  Then he hired women he met at bars and on tinder and specifically matched them to positions as like blind date/sex couplings.  

Like all libertarians, eventually he just follows his rational self-interest...

Yeah, honestly, I was passively sympathizing until he said that. Seems like she’s probably been more forgiving than he has ever deserved. 

true story. if that ain’t a flaming red flag IDK what is.  the man is abusive at this point and probably has been in the past.

initially i thought he was better than his children because they were the initial ones yapping to the press. but as time has gone by, he has proven that HE is the reason they are the way they are. like father, like brats.

AuroraDM, you are absolutely correct ... Meghan’s white relatives are terrible people. Her mother is a beautiful black “Uncrowned Queen” who raised a lovely, intelligent daughter. I was happy to see that she attended the wedding & her trashy ex didn’t.

That is an abusers quote if I ever saw one.