
It's really weird, because all rational sense says I should detest the napkin dress, but I think it looks elegant and pretty.

I'm surprised there aren't more commenters concerned by the tone of this post. I aim to use minimally processed products, I research the treatment of animals that become my food, and I do my best to eat locally. Why would that stop mattering to me when it comes to my cat's diet and environmental impact? I don't think

I love the Bryan Fuller shows that have boys' names for girls...I'm not sure they were ever meant to convey added masculinity. They're just quirky and different, like the characters: Chuck in Pushing Daisies, George and Reggie on Dead Like Me. I love them, and also their "real" names, too.

@DeccaLeChat: Yup! He also dated the girl who played Ben's daughter Alex on Lost, I think.

@knbohacek: Really??? This one is the most shocking to me!

I don't get the Blake hate. I liked her in Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants and don't watch GG, but she seems to have it mostly together and is pretty and stylish. I also haven't seen the Notebook, so maybe this is the issue, but while he is admittedly attractive, he doesn't seem like anything too special to me.

@Nun Shall Pass: Same here. I don't enjoy Glee because they spend too much time on him. Everything his character does is so skeevy and inappropriate.

@mxx: Aha! Thanks :)

@mxx: I cannot understand...anything you're talking about here. But I am so intrigued! Off to Google different British accents...

@starsnostars: I can't watch Glee because he/his character skeeves me out so much. Do not like.

@Winn: Wikipedia says they didn't.

I love your catalog writeups so ridiculously much. And I would love to find a passageway between my own mirror and a grassy meadow!

@annewithaneee: I've only ever seen it as Lynn. Guess it's maybe just who you know/where you are how people tend to treat it.

Malin Akerman is so effortlessly beautiful.

@interpretedworld: I would agree, but she already has a killer wardrobe on HIMYM and a lot of screen time, so I may be willing to give her the benefit of the doubt. Also, I love her. So there's that.

@Helen Skor: I just had my hair colored and I just took a screen cap so my sister can redo it. Gah.

Will was born a few days before or after me, so my mom was convinced somehow that he and I would one day get married, based solely on the fact that she and Diana were preggo at the same time, across the pond from each other. Shit. My husband's going to be pissed.

Aaaaand I'm crying again. Thank you, Cop Wife. Thank you, Ricky Martin's parents. Two shining examples of great parenting in one morning. My heart can't handle it.