Why is Hillary Swank the only one who properly fixed her hair for this? Everyone else ran through a wind tunnel to get here. Or swam, if Diane Kruger's scuba dress is any indication.
Why is Hillary Swank the only one who properly fixed her hair for this? Everyone else ran through a wind tunnel to get here. Or swam, if Diane Kruger's scuba dress is any indication.
@PrisonBreakShaker: I just looked at myself smiling widely and my nose totally looked wider, too. As a non-doctor who does not treat Ms. Jones, I call shenanigans.
@AmbivalentAlumna: Oh my god you are so spot on!
@lunacydress: He's a Scientologist? Sad.
@demozthenes: Except the pants for me. They just changed their jeans cuts and now I went up 3 sizes. Devastating blow to my self esteem to grab my normal size and not be able to even get them over my calves.
@deleahrium: That was so painful to watch!
@zooxeez: Me too! I loved that so much. Facebook status kind of love.
@lemon lyman: I resisted for that reason for a while — like, seriously, you want me to pony up to "fix" something I think is fine? And then he suggested getting them capped! That was a big part of me deciding to change dentists. But my next dentist mentioned it simply as something I could do if I wanted, but that my…
This is ridiculous. I have a gap between my front teeth; despite braces and retainers, my teeth keep shifting. They don't want to be next to each other. It's not that bad, but I did (at the recommendation of a dentist) start having the space bonded so as to make it much less noticeable. I was fine with the space, but…
@Pigasus: I don't think it's that easy. I think I want kids, but I waver so much. I know I would love them, and my life with them, but I love my life so much as it is right now that it's hard to make that leap. I'm a decade younger than she is, and I'm sure even less set in my ways, and far less stressed and busy, so…
For the second week in a row, the husband has run toward the TV as soon as Michael Kors started talking. He was hooting with laughter over his ridiculous analogies and even had me rewind because he thought he missed one. It's one of the few "me" shows he will now watch, and I love that he loves it so much.
I couldn't tell if I had accidentally started the slideshow over because so much of it all looks the same, and so dreadfully meh. I would say the styling of these would really be what would sell the look. And a tan, I suppose.
@F*ckin' Mireille: how does she work?: I was not surprised to learn (yay Wikipedia) that this Bailey is in fact my Intro to Psych and Human Sexuality prof. I remember having to take a lot of what he said with a grain of salt.
@girl_detective: That's why I clicked on this story! Ah! I need to know asap.
She may look a tad robotic here, but damn if Katie Holmes doesn't look absolutely beautiful.
The gowns are pretty, but my lord, I am so embarrassed for these models...and the man himself there at the end. Holy shiny leather chaps, Batman.
@ManicPixieNightmare: You'd think there'd be some sort of elevation if you did...but aren't whoopie pies supposed to be the next "it" dessert? Seemed weird she did hers as an accompaniment in the first place...and hilarious that Jacques was all, I don't know what this is, but I know it shouldn't be like this.
@14K:missesMizJ: Also Michael Rulhman's Ratio. Take the basics, get it down, then twist it. I love that man.
@junkyardarts: I do like this show. And I watch every episode. But I have to take dome issue with the way he treats some of his brides, making them learn how to use silverware and giving them etiquette lessons and telling one she couldn't drink beer at her own wedding! It makes me feel a little icky inside. I'm all…
@Suicide Teddy: You made me stop and think...and I came to the same conclusion. Thanks for a positive message on a stupid morning :)