National Something Something

Captain Obvious to the rescue!

@shooter: Chill, bro. It's just a joke. A slow roast, if you will. No need to get all bacon with me.

Poor cops, I mean, pigs.

That is Bull.....

@rbeck: Well, thank you. That is very nice of you. I thought that most of the other commenters did not got what I was trying to say. So, thank you.

@Dalinae: God forbid the day that I imply that this is her fault. All I am trying to do is encouraging people to protect themselves.

@rbeck: A gun is only one of the tools out there that can provide protection.

@geekgeekgal: I am not sure of the laws in her state but most state have what is called castle law. Where a person can shoot someone breaking into her home.

@littleliongirl: Wait... what? Who else is going to protect you from someone who is breaking into your house? The police? Don't be silly. Lock your doors, windows and be aware of your surroundings. It is sad to hear things like this.

Ladies, ladies. Please, learn how to protect yourself. Take self-defense classes. Learn how to use a firearm. It could make a difference. This is heartbreaking to read.

Is not everywhere if I cannot get some of this where I live.

Target does not approve this customes.

New spamming operation starting in 3,2,1... go.

Life is difficult for those that are vegans. Luckily there are support groups.

@xd.Balls: True but when he ask for it the parents could remind him of the little mishap.

I am very proud of you son.

@JakeMG: el Diablo Blanco: They suffer. If they don't behave I make them run a live cd of Ubuntu. After 5 minutes they are asking for forgiveness.