National Something Something

Hey Rosa:

That's Chicago for you. What do you expect?

@xCoolJackx: No, it is the tree Andira inermis. A.k.a partridge wood

If you call South Africa you get a free vuzuzela ringtone

Quick, someone send a couple of emails to AT&T CEO and see what happens. He will answer all your questions.

At least it is more real than the Courier.

@madnys: Why would you commit such heresy? Using this awesome product with windows.

@tthaas: I do the same thing with my wood parrot Petra. However, I don't go overseas with it because of "quarantine laws and vaccinations".

Don't forget about the Xbox 360 capability to heat a room. I get surprised when I leave my game room and the rest of the house feels cold.

@Bhp9mm: Also, make sure that you move the trap to different places. Being unpredictable ensures a higher probability of success.

I used glue traps then leave them outside to freeze in the subzero temps in North Dakota for a day or two. I haven't seen a mice again.