
Love my Queefs.

*restaurant person* - “can I help you?”

Tom is good at football but bad at just about everything else.

You know there’s an outtake waiting to be unleashed of each member of the band fist fucking this moron “in the zone!”

That is a lot of water!

Thought he just read, “Horrible Things We Shoved in Our Penises This Year”

Fucking Curt Shilling...gotta be CTE or he’s a gaping asshole.

or worse, being shamed for getting chubby from said nudie mag.

Meanwhile, this got through:

with or without skids?

I had that look after “2 girls, 1 cup”

That’s the good foot.

seems like more of a “bolony flaps” kinda dude.

and coughing up blood

I do but he’s too busy right now fighting every nigger out there.

gives those southern ladies the vapors.

CTE Stage 513

I’ll just leave this here...

Kid Rock needs to learn how to apply “a” and “an” correctly. Amongst other things.

doing math on that’s where it’s at bro!