
gotta know...just how many princess rats did she rip?

Cheeto Benito’s pimphand is strong...

and bankruptcy CPA’s...I got a nice car out of it. Thanks Curt!

+1 Sieg Heil!

I’d still like to know where babies come from. Stork? Cabbage patch??

to a dude.

Welker likes her, too.

Too long...had to punt! GODDAMN I’M FUNNY!!!!

a gay dude thing?


his dick has CTE?

gramps liked to say they have eyes like coinslots.

near the t’aint?

Catherine Bell’s Scientology titties *swoon*

I’ve seen her asshole.

is that that a fucking 3rd kneecap???

This would only be a problem if Vince dry-docked a bowl-choker.

Poor bastard. Like a one legged man in an ass kicking contest. A three legged cat trying to bury a turd on a frozen pond. Jason Pierre-Paul on the Fourth...
