
No way. I am a married white lady with a respectable job (at which I do MATH!) and I am active in all the efforts to protect reproductive freedom and civil rights. I think the conservative movement has pushed too far and there is an active backlash against regressive policies. And it is not just me (OK, maybe I am

Holy fuck balls! As a white woman who is on the brink of engagement to a dude, does this mean that I magically go from the thing that is destroying America as we know it (A highly educatied, single, childless woman, who had an abortion, who is financially independent and career driven and sexually active) to someone

I'm a man, I want everyone to have equal rights and opportunites, but never would I call myself a feminist, for starters, it's not even a unified movement, secondly, there's so much hypocrisy involved, and thirdly, there's so much petty non-issues.

I am missing the injustice here; she wants city services but not to pay city taxes. She admits to using the sewer lines but not paying the bills. They capped her sewer because she wouldn't pay to use it like all of her neighbors were. She's not in trouble for using solar power. She's in trouble for using an

See, I don't think it's necessarily "mean girl" behavior to be like "Hey, I think what you're doing is morally and personally hazardous and if you don't want to switch up your behavior, I'm not going to be around if shit blows up in your face when basic standards of decency should have been a preventative factor."

I'd go further than that, personally. To me, sleeping with a married person is a Very Bad Thing To Do. And I don't want to be friends with people who do Very Bad Things. Don't get me wrong, I wouldn't feel the need to stone them and for the sake of mutual friends I'd be polite and pleasant to them socially, but I

I think my biggest issue with this term, lately, is that feminists who believe that nudity in performance art is often not empowering are automatically called slut-shamers. Neither staying covered up nor letting it all hang out are final solutions to empowerment, but both are valid in their own way. And that's what a

What got to me was the "Oh my!" HAHAHAHAHAHA.

Bring on the hate, but I agree with Rashida. I admit I groan every.single.time a woman is used sexually to sell tickets to a film. There's always some gratuitous scene of a woman naked in a film, and then in the movie teasers there's almost always a scantily clothed woman so that people see that don't worry, the

"This is showing what it looks like when women sellsex... so much of it feels staged for men, not for our own pleasure."

Just a few weeks ago, a friend posted a picture of something her son had written on Facebook. He is in 3rd or 4th grade. The printing looked like that of a kindergartener just learning to write. I realize that electronics are basically taking over our lives; you can see it in how kids can barely form a whole

Whatever happened to the days when all that mattered was having a person who understood your crazy?

Can we abolish the word 'princess' as a compliment to little girls, already? Holy shit.

can't defend the blackface, but what would be the difference between Greek Mythology party complete with togas and an traditional Africa themed party? For a Greek myth party, you aren't reducing Greek culture to some stereotypes. You wouldn't say oh wait, Greece has modern cities so we need to reflect that at the

I really don't understand the engagement ring hatred on jezebel. Am I missing something?

Call me crazy, but I see nothing wrong with this. Who the fuck cares whether someone else spends $20,000 or $250 on something that doesn't affect me at all?

Which is why, in the long run, pro-choicers and pro-lifers have the same goal: fewer abortions. The problem is that outlawing abortions doesn't work, and educating people and making sure they have access to healthcare DOES.

It really makes me appreciate my boyfriend as well. I do more of the cooking, but he doesn't act entitled to it in any way. We also tease each other a lot, but he would never tease me about cooking for him first thing in the morning day after day. When someone "jokes" about something like that so aggressively, it

This is such an extraordinarily complicated case with no winners.