
are your SUUUURRRREEE? cus i’m pretty sure she’s white so...

(5) the term “domestic terrorism” means activities that—

War is peace

They just need a new name, other than pro-life. How about alt-life?

I can see Elizabeth Warren branding him with that moniker, and successfully.

That’s not a chin, that is a young xenomorph trying to escape through Trump’s lower jaw.

‘Don’t mind me folks, just gathering some nuts for winter...’

If Democrats knew anything about the effectiveness of messaging, they would immediately brand this guy as “The Foreclosure King”.

Mnuchin and Two Chin

I can’t decide which is worse. The President-Elect’s family thinking that their son MAYBE having autism is worthy of a defamation lawsuit, or the President-Elect’s family using intimidation tactics against an autistic teenager who was trying to convince people to leave their son’s behavior alone.

It sounds like she’s positioning for a defamation lawsuit, which she’ll never file because it would mean that they’d have to prove that Barron isn’t autistic, plus they’d have to prove that the person who made the video did it with actual malice. Plus, the video would have to make a clear false claim, which as you

It’s what the Trumps do. Threaten to sue and since most people don’t have the resources to take on Trump and his team of lawyers they just kowtow to him.

Well, Internet bullying is her pet cause and I guess she’s diving right in.

Yeah holy fuck this woman is pure evil. Fuck her.

Okay I know, anyone can sue over anything.

Which is ironic because so many “rightists” love to talk about the “pussification of America” via the “Liberal PC culture” and any other catchy buzzwords people use. People call out others for being thin-skinned and in the next breath are talking about how leftists are mean. Or something.

Or maybe all you “responsible gun owners” could support sensible laws - like closing the secondary seller loop hope that lets people like that gain access. But no. Just keep being ass while the body count goes up.

I love how the conservative argument has become “You’re never going to win because we’re all so fucking stupid that you’ll never understand us!”

If she were a fraction of the super-villain that the Right thinks she is, she would never have lost.

The president elect says there was voter fraud. Better do a nationwide recount.