
She’s got a Winona Ryder from Beetlejuice look going on.

I was thinking how I look forward to Anne Hathaway playing this woman in a biopic.

It looks like she a glorified mullet. And if you have a mullet in 2016 you clearly cannot be trusted, in fashion matters or otherwise.

Those bangs...

I’ve got family who voted for Trump now reposting “politicians don’t fix things, artists and writers and hurk durk, etc. etc., love trumps hate” shit on Facebook and will someone please hold me because I am about to spit pure fire and just burn it all down.

Nah, would have been whiter if it was shrimp scampi.

Exactly. Like this guy born into great wealth understands your life when your down to your last $35.00 three days before pay day trying to decide between food or gas for the car. Yep he’s got your back Trump voters.

You think that? Obama is the new Carter. Anything bad that happens during Trump’s reign will be the legacy of Obama directly harming them. Remember how often Carter was blamed during Bush? It’s insane the delusion they hold.

And a fucked up economy hitting where they are. “Keeping it real” on trade deals? Have fun with $6 milk at Walmart, idiots. We can still mock them while we’re working to defeat them, though. We need to start moving now.

Two words: uneducated whites. Emphasis on uneducated, and whites.

I, too, was just a kid when HRC was first lady and I vividly remember stores selling buttons that said “I didn’t vote for HER.” Even as a young girl, I was confused and upset at the implication that she should not have a voice just because she was a wife. Look how far we’ve come. Now we wear buttons that say “I’m with

Ha, maybe!

I want to say this as a millennial: Voting for Hillary Rodham Clinton means the world to me.

Isn’t that how Canada traditionally resolves disputes? Politely leave you a gift of delicious alcohol then BAM! maple syrup golems pound you into bits while they ride their genetically engineered Utah raptors over your steaming remains. At least I think that’s where it’s going.

Hi, I live in France but was in Charlotte 4 years ago on a Sister City Delegation invited over Election Day.

That’s what republican voter suppression has done; it’s angered black voters so much that they often end up vote in higher numbers in protest. They won’t allow themselves to be silenced by racist voter policies.

As a black dude currently living in NC, I made sure to cast my ballot early. Here’s hoping McCrory and Trump have a bad day tomorrow

Black North Carolinians: Please vote tomorrow and fuck their shit up. Sincerely, White New Englander

“Look at this mask. Look at this mask. Oh wow. Wow, that’s beautiful,”

Apropos of nothing, as soon as I get home from voting tomorrow I’ll break out the wine and retire the Trump > Drumpf Chrome extension I got from John Oliver all those months ago. It has served me well, but I figure the rotten yam of a candidate deserves one last night with his chosen name.