
What car is used in the lead picture?! With a giant clock on the dash...

You need to SRT20 that shit... (Pics or it didn’t happen)

If you’re willing to drive them from the wrong side...

I own a Mini and completely forgot that it has those... You’re right, it looks great on Minis!

Counter-point for the unpainted wheel arch trim:
The Peugeot 508 RXH. I think it looks fantastic on that car.

Dodge Rams are actually not that rare anymore in France.

What?! They go from $35k to $70k in France...

I live on a pedestrian street in an old town in Europe... This is something you don’t see everyday.

No, not really. There are plenty of sunroofs made out of glass. Apparently, moonroof is just a marketing gimmick by Ford.

Like the $1000 iPhone, yeah

“panoramic moonroof”

Is he turning left with the steering wheel turned to the right?
Is he casually drifting a McLaren 3-seater prototype just for shits and giggles?

Got mine 2 days ago and I looooooove it!
God, I missed Super Mario World 2

I just want to acknowledge the use of a Peugeot 406 sedan in the background. Kudos.

I’ll forever believe that the camera-car was an e39 M5.

I count 14 Shelby badges.

You lack imagination, my friend.

Noticeable damage? First truck blew his shocks and the second one has his back axle bent by 20° on the right side...