
Well, i’ll be damned... It is.

Is that a tattoo glory hole?

Matte baby poo green is 2017's color.

I bet, in the straight, he let go of the wheel and went:


“hummingbirds while in flight have the highest metabolism of all animals – a necessity to support the rapid beating of their wings during hovering and fast forward flight.[3][29] Their heart rate can reach as high as 1,260 beats per minute, a rate once measured in a blue-throated hummingbird, with a breathing rate of

The part with the plane is absolutely hilarious.

That suspension will never be the same...

But did they let it touch the ground?

that’s near 18 posts a day, every single day for more than 12 years... Damn!

That looks awesome. What is it?! Caprice?

The whole website screams “cheap knock-off” to me...

Now playing

I hope to see one on an offroad downhill track in a few years!

Ok, I’ll play this game! I’m in France so it might be a different kind of weird...

It is. From their 1957 catalog.

- Sorry madam, your son was killed by a passing car while retrieving his baseball on the street.
- How can it be?! It’s a 15 mph zone!
- Yes but this was Lewis Hamilton driving and since he’s a good driver, the law says he can drive at any speed he wants. 87 mph in that case. Your 5 year old son should have known

you walked straight into that one.