That is the exact opposite of what was said. WTG.
That is the exact opposite of what was said. WTG.
This is literally pulled from my nightmares.
Damn, I never knew it could work like that.
Yeah, but you "added your experiences" in a condescending asshole manner, so that eradicates any helpfulness you may have been intending. I mean, you certainly didn't come across like you figured most people would know about Coke and it being a world-wide brand.
Beyonce had some unedited vocals posted from an awards show posted here on Kinja, and she sounded like 1 million times better than Mariah does here. Ugh, the Taylor Swift one was terrible, Mariah sounds old and worn out, but Beyonce didn't sound bad at all.
Fuck you. Asshole. This RAPIST is NOT A CHILD. He is an 18 year old serial rapist and since he didn't keep his goddamn "issues" to himself, his parents, or a therapist he gets what he deserves - being publicly identified as the dick fungus that he is.
You are my internet hero of the week, and it is only Monday!
That statistic is pretty solid when you are looking at all women across their lifetime. It breaks down by age so that the younger you are, the less likely you are to have been assaulted - like 1 in 6 teenage girls, then to 1 in 5 in their twenties, and so on.
YASS I remember Evil-Lyn and she was the dopest.
Are you by any chance familiar with the show Ruby Gloom? It is a goth kids' show on Netflix - I mean, that's where I found it anyway. There is a character named Misery I think you might get a kick out of.
Ladies, gents, and the genderqueer - SOMEONE HAS RENDERED ADULTOSAUR SPEECHLESS.
In a world in which the world 'natural' has lost all meaning. This one.
I see " to-fuck-you" but, hey, I am sleep deprived.
My thought exactly. This bitch wasn't there since it's inception but it sure made her feel good to type it on the internet. Superior. Experienced.
No, not ADDED sugar. Geez.
Socialism is an economic theory/policy and communism is political theory. One cannot BE a socialist that borders on communism because they are not two varieties of the same thing. One can be a socialist and a communist, one can also be a monarchical socialist, a democratic socialist, (ie a socialist in a democracy,…
I am stealing that question and tattooing it on my hand - does this friendship rejuvenate you and bring you joy? I need to read that/think that like every time I go out in public these days.
She is the best. I remember when somebody wrote in and was like "Ew, doesn't Coquette sound like coke-head?" and she was all, "Welcome to the party." Best advice columnist response EVAR.
hahahahaha - he is such a Libertarian, you're right *giggles fitfully for 20 minutes*