
So you start out all high and mighty and douchey, asking asshole questions about other people's pain, intended to make you look like a BAMF, but now that you've had a good come-uppance it's "different strokes"?

You're right - it isn't the same. The Jacksons never had to fear deportation, they spoke the same language as the dominant culture-group, and they didn't have to contend with assimilation. Immigration is a huge thing, and being the child of immigrants, especially undocumented ones, is a struggle far different than

So, the first sentence of your last paragraph - does that mean you personally love it more now than you did previously, or that you feel like more comedians are doing it now than before?

I have no idea. I have gone back and forth between gray and black so often. But this time I get to LINGER.

WHAT? That's not a turkey? ........................................... I need glasses

You are an epic douchebag. If this woman was pregnant last year, then the baby is LESS THAN A YEAR OLD ASSHOLE. No one, and I mean no one, is going to evaluate an infant for ADHD. Fuck you, loser scumbag POS.

Dafuq? How do you not know one of the funniest comedians around? AND she's on Parks & Rec.

Please upload the video. I can hardly wait.


Ron Swanson is always dressed in clean, neat clothing and has no apparent aversion to a sportcoat.

What the hell have you been wearing that was SO uncomfortable? For real - aren't you a man? Your screen name indicates you are. WTF is that bad about pants and jackets and such? Oh, right - nothing. There is nothing that egregiously uncomfortable about men's dress clothes.


In Section 4, Sub-section a, Part 1 of this bill, it is made abundantly clear that "any woman who arrives at a hospital and states that she is a victim of sexual assault" is to be provided access to emergency contraception. It also states that a woman who is accompanied by another person may have that person tell the

This seems like a really stupid question to me. Like, 'are you fucking retarded?' levels of stupid. It is clear they are talking about rape victims who have come to the goddamn emergency room for treatment. It is made explicit in the language of the actual legislation as well, if you had bothered to read that before

It's "Je suis pret." You are adding an extra s.

That is so far from being true that I don't believe we come from the same planet.

I don't know how old you are, but the dictionary's definition has always ALWAYS always fucking always been about equal rights and opportunities for both sexes. In our society that means elevating women to the same status as men have always enjoyed, thus the word feminism. It has always been the female with the lower

That is odd, because I had the same thing. A problematic pregnancy (hyperemesis for me!) and a forward tear. My midwives had me doing all these stretching exercises on the lower portion of my anatomy, so that part stretched fine.

Would buy.