
This has nothing to do with the climate. It is inept government at its worst, with some corruption thrown in for good measure. PS You are a moron.

I just can't even with the stupid here today. THIS IS NOT A SOCIALIST POLICY. This is communism, morons. Socialism is an ECONOMIC policy theory which can be implemented by a communist government, a capialist government, etc. It involves the pooling of resources for the common good, like everyone paying taxes so we can

Again, this is not socialism. This is NOT SOCIALISM. LOOK IT UP.

You are seriously fucking confused if you think this is socialism. You should probably look it up, and then take a minute as your stupidity and ignorance seeps in. Then you can come back here and tell us what you learned, and see if you can correctly identify the economic policy at work here. NOT SOCIALISM.

You are a fucking repulsive rape-apologist and we all see you for what you are here. Fuck off and die in a fire, please, and take your repulsive victim-blaming with you. YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM.

You are handling this troll/asshole wonderfully. Props.


Because it is an idiotic, plainly bullshit question. If it were easier and "better" to go without then women wouldn't have spent FUCKING CENTURIES coming up with ways to bind their breasts. It reeks of male privilege and haughty ignorance, with a dash of holier-than-thou thrown in to make sure we know he has a penis.

Machine wash, air dry baby. The best of both worlds.

Ugh. It may make them last longer, but the reason I wash my jeans every time I wear them has nothing to do with them touching my legs. My legs are clean - the world outside that my jeans are touching? Like public seats and the like? NOT CLEAN.

It isn't underwear, you weirdo. Just because it goes under a shirt doesn't make it filthy. You clearly have some hygiene-related issues, but if I were you I would keep that shit to myself.

I am in.

Only if you have the reading comprehension of a gnat.

No you haven't. In American English the ONLY correct spelling is 'judgment' and in England/Canada/perhaps Australia the alternate spelling is of recent origin.

Are you kidding? The article is about a legal case and the word was specifically used in the context of the legal system - a motion for summary judgment. Fuck off, you just don't want to admit you were wrong.

My sister bought some - it was supposed to act as an appetite suppressant so you wouldn't eat as much. It tasted like nothing. It also didn't really work, SURPRISE!

Has anyone seen the atrocious Pharrell quote about how everyone born is here because a woman said yes twice - once to sex and once to pregnancy? Does that not bother ANYONE ELSE? This loser is completely glossing over any and all pregnancies caused by rape and all the women who don't have access to abortion services


Anal raping is more gender neutral....commonplace in a nearly all-dude environment. Can you even read what you have written? Are you that stupid?

Again, that is because you are completely fucking ignorant. The meme this douchetool was referencing is about ANAL RAPE you moron. Learn to google, it will save you from future embarrassment.