
1000% correct. The people saying terrible things to this CLEARLY not-fat woman are attempting to control her, nothing else.

I don't know what you mean when you say "Aspertame [sic]hasn't yet been proven by (your quotes) "clinical" study.

So you seriously think that you have the ability to determine how well a person knows his/herself, and blithely dismiss any statements about what they would or would not have done in a crisis with a wave of your hand? You have no idea what people have been through in their lives, no idea of what crisis or emergency


I go with bread crumbs, spicy italian sausage and a little cheese - Parm, Asiago or some other hard, salty cheese.

I love u.

Don't feed the trolls!

Am I the only one who went to his terrible website? It sucks so bad I kind of hate him now. Or at least his horrid web designer.

A coat, yes. A peacoat, no.

Popular opinion? Is that what the intellectually lazy are calling science now?

Stellan Skarsgard is not the Skarsgard you are thinking of when you list actors over 6'4''. He is tall, yes, but not as tall as his son Shirtless Vampire Guy.

Um, Tammye, are you sure you're not me? Because I grew up in a 4-kid household (2 girls 2 boys) and had that same kind of chore rotation. The 'rents also took video game controllers away if we didn't do our work. My only child is 4 right now so I don't do that to him, yet. BUT OH THE PLANS.

Either you are joking or you are ignorant of the fact that the dog in question was SMILING. That is clearly a doggie smile, and the same as the one I used to get upon my return home at the end of the day, accompanied by tail and body wagging. If that terrifies you, you need help.

You are terrible! These aren't disadvantages to unplanned pregnancies, they are your clearly pathological opinion on disadvantages to pregnancy and children in general. I don't mind child-free by choice, but you seem to have problems with 1) children in general and 2) relationships in general. Get therapy or

A WHOLE HOUR??!?!?!? I mean, wow, how fucking difficult. My driving test took about that long here in Colorado, and PS you are a moron.

Way to troll everyone Penelope. Either that or you are mind-blowingly stupid.

You sound like you are bad at communication in general. I read your original comment twice after reading this whole thread, and I STILL came away with the impression that you are an unmitigated ass. You respond sarcastically and with venom to one person who calls you out on the "good ones" and then act