Dr. Clockwork

Agreed. Optional fees for necessary services is just an awful idea.

Brilliant! I'm sure the Comic Book Guy would be proud! XD

It's still a really fun game.

Not to be nit-picky (but totally being nit-picky) that's actually not a Portal 2 shirt.

See above comment. XD

I think the makers of Splinters in Mein Hinter 4 would disagree with you.

Yeah, I figured people would point that out too.

Speaking as someone who was completely mentally scarred by the baby from Eraserhead, that doll looks nothing like the one from the movie.

There is so much that irks me about this news, about the world in which we live, about how money drives everything.

The troops will eventually kill it if you don't.

I'm sorry...I just couldn't help myself.

Mr. Cottingham has now moved on to less dangerous practices.

What have I wrought? D8

Now playing

When we were little, I always thought a solar eclipse looked like Cookie Monster eating the moon.

Oh, c''ve at least got to get to the part where she does the Elder Scrolls theme an sings in dragon. D=

Once it got to the Elder Scrolls was all over.

Yeah, I saw them.

Yeah, I saw that one.

You're gonna' make me cry manly tears. ;_;

It's definitely one of my favorite photos of Jim.