
But they did clearly state what the season pass included. I don't see the problem here.

The website says it's a timed exclusive, not sure what else it will be coming out for though

Hey I have a question since I never pre ordered anything off Amazon/online before. Do I get charged for it now and refunded should I change my mind or no charge until it actually gets shipped?

Surprised to see that this is now officialy more vaporware than Final Fantasy Versus.

I was really pulling for a price drop. Don’t get me wrong I’m excited about all the Nintendo goodness coming up, but I’d go to Gamestop right now and pick up a Wii U if they dropped the price a bit. I’m still gonna hold off until I find a decent sale.

I don't know about this. It doesn't seem to have anything to do with Season 1. I don't think I really need just another short episode that is seemingly unrelated. It's still early, and if eventually we hear that its going to expand on what happened during season 1, then I'm all for it, but for right now I'm kind of

Thankfully it will be released on PC also. Really not trying to by an X1, at least not right away.

why? I thought that was a pretty cool prize. What did you expect?

Loving the cleaner look of the moneysaver. Much easier to read and find deals, great work!

If this has online multiplayer then it's an auto buy. I don't think it will though because Nintendo might be afraid of quitters ruining a long game.

"You exist because we allow it. And you will end because we demand it."

The conversation with Sovereign still sends chills up my spine.

Nothing tops afterlife for me. By far my favorite locale in the entire series.

yet but your generally just facing right at someone as there healing, not twitching around crazy all over the place, at least you probably won't be under VR

Once the major first party titles come out, the Wii U will be fine. We went through this song and dance already with the 3ds.

Tim Brown instead of Bo Jackson for the Raiders?

grunt in the shower LOL

kenny might be alive. his death was pretty ambiguous, especially if you gave him the bullets.

Would have liked to have read something about Franchise and Diamond Dynasty. I know you only play RTTS but other people including myself like the Franchise modes better? Anything you (Owen) or anyone else want to comment about that? Anything new or interesting?

Alistia from Rogue Galaxy, the optional water planet.