
@Tate O'Malley: The internet is great but some feelings like that are lost forever because of it.

@Kobun: Meh I think the game is still fun. Are the old physics better? Yeah, but the physics now really are doing it for me ok too. More so than the physics I think sonic is defined more by speedy platforming (even if the speed has been knocked down to sonic 1 level speed) then anything else and I think Dimps did a

Nice to see some actual platforming for the first time since sonic 3..

@Date Masamune: You must not have played a classic sonic game before.

@Arnheim: I really think that people would just turn elsewhere. Battlefield, tf2 whatever. I think it would be a massive failure.

@koreshonfire: People still play warhawk. I gotta imagine plenty of people still play MAG

So lets get cracking on Dark Cloud 3 in there ok guys?

@sandorasbox: Yeah I'm playing it right now too pretty good game. It's pretty satisfying setting up a group of monsters up for a godspeed beatdown.

@Firelance: They want revenge... and brains..

Castlevania: LOS, hope it's good!

@geiko: I make you laugh? I'm here to amuse you? How the fuck am I funny?

So much DLC... I'm tempted to pick up the game now while its cheap, but there has got to be a GOTY edition looming in the future right?

Incoming government regulation.

My Dreamcast still hooked up right next to my ps3 and 360. Too many good games that I can't find anywhere else.

How many games does that hold? My crappy eyesight can't tell.

Happy but sad. Give me a new skies of arcadia! :(

I am pumpeddd! Can't wait for finally a decent 3d Castlevania.

Did anyone else besides me love chess Kombat? I thought that game was so fun.

Demons Souls was a pretty cool example of Single and Multiplayer meshing.