
Denzel looks like he’s about to order a drink with Hennessey in it but suddenly remembered his doctor told him to slow down on that brown, and now he has to find a suitable replacement, which isn’t going to be suitable, like an Arnold Palmer or Shirley Temple.

Now playing

I think my first introduction to Jerry was on Teen Angel and You Wish. He always had this troublemaker with a huge heart sort of personality to him. I remember when he was introduced as Jimmy’s father on Yes Dear and it just seemed like the perfect casting. The hall of fame fight with Johnny bench is hilarious but

Corey Feldman can still do it.

Long story - don’t read.

They’ll have him elope with Becky.

At least you didn’t get him mixed up with Jerry Sandusky.

The final Apollo mission was in 1972, so shouldn’t your ire be directed at Nixon for this?

This is the player the Rangers wasted the seventh pick in the draft on that cost them Derek Stepan and Anti Raanta to acquire. Not that he’s not an NHL caliber player, but he projects out as a third line center type, which really isn’t what you should be getting in return for a #2 center and one of the league’s best

Maybe he’ll be like Bob and get out somehow.

Teen Angel, holy shit what a flashback.

I thought he was older than 86, Van Dyke has been around so long. He also turned guest spots into regular roles on two ill-fated TGIF sitcoms in attempts to save them, You Wish and Teen Angel.

Move out of Canada?

“when he was cast on The Dick Van Dyke Show, appearing as Stacey Petrie, the sleepwalking-afflicted brother of his real-life sibling’s exasperated Rob “

Can he cameo with this “you can do it” think from the Sandler films? Because if I’m going to employ a 9/11 truther on this film, it’ll be Pete Carroll.

You didn’t get old. It was the kids these days who got young.*

I don’t....I don’t understand what I’m looking at. Have I finally become old?

What no one is talking about is that this is the last time Carter Hart will win a championship. Enjoy it kid and welcome to the Philadelphia Flyers organization!

To quibble: then you should refer to it as a “bibliography” or “works cited.” “Further Reading” implies something meant for a person interested in learning more about the topic. People who can make their way through Adams’ books aren’t going to be listening to your podcast (at least not in the expectation of learning

Left out, of course, is Pig Latin, which is the language of dying alone and your body not being found until your neighbors complain to your landlord about the smell.