
Conclusion drawn from video: Mormons have nothing against ladies watching porn and masturbating.

It seems appropriate that someone with your name would make this obvious correction.

I bake delicious pies. Blueberry lemon, apple, walnut sesame, chocolate rum, key lime... I make my own crust from my grandma's recipe. I rock an awesome lattice top crust. In short, I love pie.

I was watching online as well. I couldn't finish the season after that episode. It made me so mad.

Every family needs a black sheep/creepy uncle. The Marina is San Francisco's.

You're going to hate this answer: turn off the internet. It's what I'm trying, and failing to do in similar circumstances.


That fucked with my head for a second. But also:

Is that a gif of Professor Professorson?

You can find him distasteful, but still enjoy his artistic output. I don't think they are contradictory ideas.

Ha! How apropos.

How does one delete a kinja post? I wrote something here that I thought best not to publish on the internet and wanted to delete it. However I could only edit, so I wrote this post to replace it. Is it possible to remove a post?

Only acceptable answer.


The internet definitely owes you 10 cokes.

Seriously. I've taken MUNI to the Castro to wait for a different bus to go home rather then wait in that area. Don't care if it adds an extra 45 minutes. But harassment like this been my experience in any city I've been to. I wonder if a lot of the disbelief (jackass juerme excepted) comes from people who didn't grow

Wrong. Excerpt from the golden gate transit's website:

Of course. Especially not with douchecanoes like juerme around.