More vicodin for Sean Payton

+1 Dr. Seuss book

I approve of this.

I guess fast does lie.

Isn't that Jimmy Haslem?

I like your list but a double cheeseburger is also worth it too.

I don't think it's even SEC bias I thinks it's just bama.

You big meanie +14

Some peope I talked to thought they should Luke Mccown on the road simply because of what his brother was doing for the Bears.

I not talking about rights, I talking about a PNW guy who did try to buy the Sonics before they moved.

How many years until this team is in Seattle?

Shrimp po'boy minus the cleaning of the shrimp it's quick and simple.

Yep with that 25K fine nothing was the same.


Makes you wonder what Cleveland's unis are going to look like next year.

Yea it's Earl Smith.



It's the orange jerseys.

Mostly because Seattle has the PNW and there is no way Jerruh will allow a team in OKC.

+3 Too soon?