Matthew Davidson

I'd put hp management more in the area of "knee jerk panic reaction" than "Machiavellian mastermind plot"

Let's say at a retail price of $500, hp intended to sell them wholesale at $250/unit. Cost of manufacturing and distribution around $100-$150 per unit. Since the fire sale price was $100, and that is a nice round number, let's use that.

Somebody airdrop in the super masons, stat.

I wish gizmodo would stop forwarding this nonsense that it is a simple matter to walk into a best buy to get a touchpad for $99. They sold out online within an hour of the price drop. There are no touchpads in any New England store. Zero. Nada.

Babylon 5 was destroyed by its own uncertain future. All the careful five-year story arcs were hastily tied up at the end of season four because they didn't know if they'd get a season 5. So, season 4 isn't what it should have been. Season 5 was pretty much a disaster, wasting all the nice psy corps set up.

What it means is nothing but marketing bs, buoyed by Dr. Dre's name which he is, rightfully so, taking to the bank. This brand is part of Monster, as in Monster cable, after all.

John Dvorak made a career out of saying asinine things about Apple, extending back to the 80s.

One needs to judge this behavior not from where things are now, but where things are going. The future is mobile, and Apple is very clever about resource management, and this counts for a great deal on a mobile device. With firm control over both the OS and hardware, Apple can provide a superior experience and keep

Acer has traditionally been a thorn in the side of companies like Apple, providing low cost hardware to Apple's premium price tag. Now Apple has found a way to dominate this space.

The need to develop a new fighter exists independently of the need for a new fighter.

Wouldn't it be great if we could take a high resolution picture of the grooves on a record that represent the sound and play that back without any material wear? Wait. We do that already and it is how a vast majority of the music has been recorded in the past 30 years.

A QR code that links to a youtube video isn't what I'd consider an animated tattoo.

Judging from the thumbnail, beardcore, beardwave or beardstep would be appropriate.


12 ounces?

I think there is truth to what he is saying. It isn't easy amassing resources to produce a movie, and a sequel to Tron had been unsuccessfully brewing for many, many years.


NASA discovers new life form. Chinese scientists already working on ways to cook and eat it.

@atrus123: Usually, Apple's black Friday discounts amount to 5%, which the sales tax nullifies. Woo?