How does he drop the ball? He's a soccer goalie with literally one job to do. I don't care how hard you get hit, you can not let go of the ball. And to lay motionless on the field for over a minute is embarrassing. Soccer players are such pussies.
Yes I got that too. I thought it was pretty funny. Thinking about it. They really are not important warnings. They are warnings to incidents that have happened the night before or even days before. Its not important information. There is nothing anyone can do at that point.
What ever happened to "Stick and stones may hurt my bones..."?
How were they allowed on the field wearing non NFL apparel over their jerseys? Doesn't anyone at the NFL approve the uniforms before they step on the field? I mean we know they do.
Still don't know how he caught this one
What ever happened to that Bristol Metrics thing Deadspin used to do? I miss that.
Good thing, anyone who is a soccer fan in the US is gay.
Why will his comeback be more difficult? Unless he kissed Wendy Peppercorn, he can still train in any public pool.
This advice is not always good. Just see what happened to Michael Brown.
Interestingly, he never actually bowled during the movie.
Chase Utley did this before on ball to the pitcher. Play starts at 1:00, but you should watch the whole thing because Chase is amazing.
Geez. I guess everything about these Muslims are dangerous.
Can we stop blaming the umpires? They made a human error and rightfully used the available technology to get the call correct. At this point, the umpires are no longer responsible for the call that is determined. Lets put the blame on the people who actually make the call, the people from MLB in the New York war room.
Who's favorite golfer is Webb Simpson?
Can we talk about the t-shirt tucked into jeans?
Why do we always try to change the rules of the sport? Baseball is great the way it is.