
I can understand your complaint—and others like it—but I have a hard time believing the five seconds it takes to scroll down to the games that are consistently listed on every Moneysaver article really constitutes time you couldn't afford to lose anyhow. I'd be curious to know what you're doing with your time that

It does have video games you dolt. The only part that has random shit is the random shit section. Also, if your time is that precious, you should either stop reading gaming websites, or should really learn some time management.

Hey now lay off the churro maker, or we're going to have to get some violence up in here! >_<

They list plenty of video games, sit the fuck down.

Troll harder. If you're not seeing video games, you can't read.

There’s an idea! The potential to make your character a junky/alcoholic as an optional gameplay system; will he/she pop extra morphine tabs to numb the pain of combat or will they drown their woes at the bottom of a bottle of that tasty, iridescent blue stuff risking an addiction? While we're at it, let's throw in

HAHAHAHAHAHAHA your internet is strong

It's those ninjas man, they be cuttin onions without anyone knowing.

I'm not crying, just got a bug in my eye, both of em, simultaneously