Sif? Sif?? SIIIIIF???????
Sif? Sif?? SIIIIIF???????
It is definitely a matter of personal preference, I agree.
Great video, helped me make some decisions. Thanks for posting it.
In case you didn't know: once a continent has full satellite coverage you receive their starting bonus from then on in addition to your own.
And a young Danny Devito in one of my favorite roles of his.
My wife would agree with you.
Perma-death is what kept the tension in XCOM for me, I was invested in my squad and there were real consequences if I played to fast/loose. Sometimes the anxiety of waiting for the AI to take its turn was excruciating, especially after I made a questionable move/attack.
If you are a fan of reading, great stories, and have any liking for fantasy then do yourself a HUGE favor and read ALL the ASOIAF books asap.
It's where "The Fucking Catalina Wine Mixer" will take place.
Nice. I've been picking up all my games on the cheap lately and loving it. My backlog keeps me busy until the deals and Steam sales kick in.
I was thinking the same thing, makes me glad each time that I didn't buy it on the last deal. I'm busy with a backlog so I'm holding out until Lara finds her way into the $10 territory.
Shane you are doing the lords work spreading the gospel of affordable and discounted goods to the unwashed masses. The format is great and I honestly look forward the Money Saver post every time I log on, thanks.
Thanks for the heads up. I've been waiting to get my hands on CK2 but have been holding out for as long as possible, $9.99 is about as low as I could hope for.
Had to go listen to Way To Fall after reading your post. Thanks a lot, right in the feels. My new mission is to play everything MGS including music that I can get my hands on (especially Snake Eater) leading up to the release of TPP.
Just recently my 11 year old stumbled upon my dusty under-utilized Space Hulk board game and was instantly intrigued, this was clearly NOT like any board game she ever played.
Americas response video.
Clearly black magik at work here.