

If you watch closely his hair blows in the wind just after the 1:05 slice, so epic.

Derp. No attempt to even be clever or witty, just went straight to a fat joke. Way to be boring and an asshat at the same time.

The Ninja is famous for their powers of deception and ability to blend in with their environment.

The ninja outfit sold it for me.

-It's never my idea. These young girls, they get all horned up and they tell you to go ass-to-mouth.

Yeah it did have it's flaws I give you that. The gun condition thing I thought was a good idea in thought, and if done better I think it could add to immersion. But here's looking forward to FC3.

It's a sweet card either way. Yeah I know that "want it now" feeling all too well. I saved up forever to build a new PC two years ago, by the time I had enough I went on newegg and had it bought and shipping within minutes. I regretted a few choices I made at the time but everything has served me well and I'm set

Haha. Well color me amazed then. I should have expected as much from someone with Cheese as their profile pic.

PC version with my 360 controller is the way I'm going. Besides I'm looking to upgrade my GPU to a GTX 600 series in December so perfect timing I guess.

In Brock we trust.

My little Boston Terrier Lola does that exact same thing when she is in trouble or has done something wrong. People think she's smiling.

Are you asking? or telling? yo

My exact reaction. thank you.

It seems we are in agreement on this as well. Imagine if they dropped the lame SP from the next COD and put out MP as a stand alone game. They could cut cost and drop the price, not that they would, but still it makes me think.

At first your comment super impressed me, then I realized that you just posted it online using your fancy computer, and your professional interwebz. Where as if you had used smoke signals to do it then it would have been absolutely fucking amazing.

Looks like Newegg has it for around $150 too, not to shabby. Might I ask why you didn't go for the GTX 650Ti? It looks to be only 10-20 buck more with double the CUDA cores slightly higher core clock speed. Is the 2GB worth it over the 1GB?

They don't call us the Glorious PC Mater Race for nothing.

@10:55 When will game designers realize that women are equals and start treating them as such. Sure they can't lift their own body weight, and yeah they can't jump far, but if that was a man he would have made that jump with room to spare and did a commando roll out transitioning to a sick lunging knife kill on a

I totally agree with you that many a good games have done MP well, and I have nothing against MP as a whole, some games I only play for the MP. Hell I think the whole Halo franchise is crap when seen through the SP game, but the MP was top notch and set the bar for most MP shooters we now play. What I do have a