
It looks to me like the Frank Miller version.

My 10year old was watching me play P2 and was interested in trying it out. I said that she would need to play through P1 first to understand the story/humor. Needles to say she loved it once she got the hang of the physics, and all she could talk about was the Cake.

The rubbery Secret of Ooze ones were the first thing I thought of. Man were they cool, they even had the little dimples on the skin for texture. Pizza launchers were uber lame though.

"Ultimately, we're in a tough spot," "in that in order to keep the game running, and to keep making new games like this, we need to be able to make at least enough money to cover our development costs.."

that's how I always make my homemade napalm

X-Star, so does this mean you are equally a worthless, meaningless, fluff with nothing worthwhile to do then read this website and troll?

Zynga is the poster child for everything wrong in the video game industry IMO, they are leading the charge in ruining this little hobby of ours we hold so dear. There tactics and business model is taking gaming in the opposite direction of where it needs to go.