
For Audi, VIN stands for Vehicles w/ Identical Numbers

Perhaps the joke was too subtle for some.

Some cars have a similar feature, turn off the A/C and you feel a noticeable bump in power. Definitely a feature in my ‘04 Hyundai Accident...

That depends entirely on how much resistance you have to GM products.

To bad her story wasn’t selected

Race is only a problem in this country to those who make it an issue. Namely those who can benefit from it by trying to find ways that they can make any incident have a racial lean to it.

How about you take of yours and take a look at this.... There is a problem in this country, but its not race related... its asshole cops, and asshole people...

Doesn’t Tesla specifically state that Autopilot is only for use on divided highways?


Driver’s seat?

A car running rich needs the mixture leaned out. The stock ECU tune does run the engine quite rich in the powerband, somewhere in the 11s, and reflashes solve this problem by bringing it to high 12s, low 13s. I’m not sure where you get “cylinder roulette” out of this.

Considering that he just bought a used British luxury/performance car, I’m sure he has a lifetime supply of shorts. Also opens, high-resistance connections, and floating grounds.

I saw this as well. Odd detail not to know considering all the drama surrounding the bump and all the pissed off 2001 owners.

I think I’ve done this sequence

This is a 6000SUX

There seems to be a trend to offer free movies and TV again

It looks like he fought...