Totally read that as “Pirates of the Caribbean”
Totally read that as “Pirates of the Caribbean”
“Charlie, a 24-year-old who started out doing street-based sex work before going online, spoke directly to the protection the internet used to offer. “My personal experience before I used the internet as a platform for sex work was getting assaulted constantly, getting kidnapped, getting raped, getting drugged,”…
Ah yes, the moral crusader here to tell women their silly little ideas about work are wrong and you are here to save them from themselves.
If you have to add a caveat that you ignore workers, do you really care about ‘women, men and children’?
Everywhere the Swedish model has been applied, it’s led to more violence, more fear and more precarity among sex workers. If you actually gave a shit about the people involved in prostitution, you’d oppose laws that endanger them.
As someone who came of age in the early days of the internet when you were advised to never give out your real name to anyone, the real identity aspect of Facebook always sat weird with me. It’s not like I’m ashamed of anything I do online or am a different person online than I am offline, but I don’t really have…
Unfortunately, we give cops extraordinary powers in the pursuit of crime. Don’t let him in the house and he breaks in claiming you were about to destroy evidence. Then he arrests you and you have - at best - massive inconvenience. Don’t give him the evidence and he tears up your entire house looking for it. Don’t give…
In theory? Sure, that’s the proper response.
I think she did the right thing not to engage with Meth Grandpa. She’s shorter than him and she’s got a little girl with her.
I actually like Alby’s but there’s only Safeway where I live (grrr) but this saddens me. Realistically, this can happen anywhere (as we’ve been seeing lately). There’s no way to completely police your employees 24/7 (thoughtcrime!). I think the reason we’re seeing more of these events is twofold. First, instances are…
But they’re the one’s that really need it!
I swear inside the hearts of these white fools is a river of hate and malice. In their own minds is a slew of vial thoughts and feelings about “the others”.
Yeah, let’s have your body hijacked for over a year (over if you’re going to have your boobs nibbled on) with your nutrients leeched from your bones and your organs rearranged like a shitty game of Operation so that you could go through what can be hours of labor as your bones shift and your muscles stretch to the…
It also ignores the fact that most people who are on WIC/SNAP/EBT and who are using Medicaid and the like are actually working and are gainfully employed. They’re just not making enough to make ends meet. So you end up this constantly self-defeating cycle of barely having enough money to live but not having enough…
$100 says this guy will also bitch about all the free food people on WIC, Medicaid or other assistance programs and how they’re good for nothing takers.
Because people like the cashier consider it a moral failing to be poor. I can’t count the number of times I heard someone say, “Why are they on welfare? Why can’t they get off their lazy asses and work?” So I have to haul out the PowerPoint and teach them, again, that it’s FUCKING EXPENSIVE TO BE POOR. It costs time,…
Yes, this.
I think the Stop Being Racist hero would die from exhaustion unless their other super power was immortality.
Tranquilizer Dart Man!
Also, it’s not like she says no to the coupon right away; she had to verify that it was okay, but the guy had no patience.
Yeah, I’ve been on WIC.