
There are people whose passion it is to make games. I knew some folks at 38. It was a damn good group of people that happened to have some fucked up management. There is nothing wrong with giving people money to make games.

We need to oppose this. Even if you do think ISPs should have a filter* on pornography (which I mostly don’t unless it’s outright illegal content, because I think it’s patronizing), these things virtually always sweep up a ton of stuff like sexual education sites and so forth along with them in the filters. That’s

Jesus fucking Christ. We in Rhode Island have enough god damn problems...being right next to Massachusetts, the weather, being the smallest state and nobody taking us seriously, the worst drivers in America on the worst roads in America, the awful Rhode Island accent, coffee milk, opioids, the worst working DMV system

This is actually really scary. Blanket blocks are TERRIBLE (as anyone that went to school and had anything on Breast cancer blocked by content monitoring software). This is also incredibly limiting and a true government overreach.

Who said anything about horror films. There are plenty of videos of real life violence available online with a simple Google search.

On the plus side, 20 years from now, RI could have the country’s best rail infrastructure!

Ban sexual content, but let minors see as much violence as they want. America!

I agree- as the article says, it’s not Wal-Mart’s decision to make, really. There should be a fucking law.

The difference is you can eventually turn 21. You can’t change your sexual orientation.

The move to strike in Oklahoma is gaining momentum on social media but Oklahoma teachers have not. Yet.

There is a large amount of established law where a racial, sexual or religious exception can not be imposed on a protected group as a customer. However, age is not considered a protected group or surcharges and exclusions made by car rental companies, hotels, airlines and any number of other services would be also

I’m ok with him having a case. Just make him spend all his gun money to fight for it.


Yeah, everyone always acts like there’s no money. The top 15% of the country is sitting on 85% of the whole country’s wealth. We just voted to give those people trillions in tax cuts. Tax the people with mountains of wealth if your state/county/country needs money! Why cut benefits for the poorest people?

Is this guy’s lawyer being paid by the NRA for this shit?

It’s the smart move, pitting the teacher’s union against the poor people. Got to keep the underclass fighting with itself instead of paying attention to who’s really ripping them off.

I think another big part of this — where we’ve tended to fail most egregiously — is the assumption that once individual battles have been won, the issues are settled. Abortion? Legal! Worker exploitation? Protected against (lol obviously not, but bear with me for the sake of argument)! Racism? Hey, we ended

The only thing republicans and corporations respect is power.

It’s a one time deal.

And, worst of all, Republican state lawmakers are already threatening cuts of $20 million to Medicaid and other parts of the state budget to pay for the increase.