
After watching it a second time, I was wondering about this as well. I assume that the CIA as an organization were hunting for Vibranium and Klaue decided to make a quick buck off of that search. Either that or the CIA decided “Fuck it, those civilians are dead already, might as well get something out of it”. Wouldn’t

No, I very obviously got that; I’m just confused as to why T’Chaka thought that was a good idea at all.

I don’t understand why they left the young Killmonger. Take him home, explain to him that his dad was killed in self defense after aiding a terrorist (or just don’t say anything), tell everyone else in the kingdom that his father was killed, done.

Yes when it comes to guns but they made Hunger Games Barbies before and Katniss had her bow. A lot of the promo pictures I have seen for the movie show the bow but the doll only has the pickaxe. Either they aim this for young girls and didn’t want any obvious weapons or they simply screwed up with the accessories.

Last 5 years or so. This one’s actually an update from an earlier body type known as the ‘fashionista’ (which is slightly different than the non-poseable dolls that now have the same Fashionista label). This one is the ‘made to move’ model, or at least a modified version of it.

The blame Obama/Hilary stunt is a ploy to his base of sexually repressed and frustrated white people that peaked in high school and never got over it. He’s saying “See that black guy was too blame and I had to speak to Putin because he didn’t have the guts to do it and now I will fix everything.” The part about this

It’s simple: Trump is psychotic.

The point of the Awkward Zombie one is that that game’s story is of a man trying to prove he would never kill another person with a gun, but the gameplay is him running-and-gunning. It’s not just that violent video games are violent, but the gameplay runs exactly counter to the story. I thought it was pretty funny.

THIS is the greatest series Japan has ever created.

Awkward Zombie pointing out the cognitive dissonance of so many video game stories.

They saved a bus-load of orphans that had careened onto the rink, and were about to fall through the ice to a frozen doom.

Hell yea, good for him. Show everyone what you can do and kick ass in 4 years. I’m sure no one was more upset and disappointed than him, so great to see him bounce back and go scorched earth with the quads.

I don’t have a Pro controller (wish I did) but do you think it’s manageable to play with the joy cons?

I still own my Wii U and these games (and a Switch.) I’m sorry people missed them the first time but I want sequels. Absent those, I’m glad people are getting to play them.

I hate that. He is a slight more polished and better-coiffed version of the same bullshit Republicans are always trying to stuff into a suit. I really don’t get why some people seem to love Ole Mittens so much.

Oh he’s got a LONG gross history. Look if you want to, but then you’ll be really disappointed. He’s against abortion, really good bros with Sean Hannity to name a few...

He is the absolute fucking worst. The kind of person who comes across as a super nice guy until he starts spouting ugly racist shit and idiotic Fox News talking points and everyone around him gets quiet and starts to back away.

Remember when Hercules stood up for a Centaur immigrant who was being harassed by ignorant townsfolk?

Xena was always the superior show and the superior character.