
Could owners of certain cars be more likely to leave their keys in the ignition when they pop into the convenience store?

Two weeks ago, I bought a Fiesta ST Line. I’m just waiting for some pissed-off Owner of a Fiesta ST to slash my tires for stealing his car’s look and trading on his car’s good name.

It’s got a resolution of 7,680 by 4,320 pixels—twice that of a 4K TV.” Twice as many pixels pwr inch.= four times as many pixels per square inch.

8K televisions aren’t just about native content; they’ll upscale your 1080i, 1080p, and 2160p content to 8K. Expect a tsunami of 8K TV promotions as we approach the Tokyo Olympics.

I wish Google’s speech-to-text worked in Windows. Even since I switched tablets from Android to Windows, I’ve had to dictate text through Windows voice recognition or Cortana. With either tool, voice-to-text dictation has been so inaccurate that it’s quicker to just type.

Thanks, Victoria. It’s clear that you put considerable research, thought, and time into your review.

This year, I bought a MacBook Air 13 (8/256) for each of my three granddaughters. $2,400 total, including tax. I couldn’t have afforded three of the costlier MacBooks. In fact, they asked for the Airs over reconditioned newer MacBooks, and I was happy to oblige.

Conveniently, the author neglected to mention that among all current low-cost Macs, only the Air has a full array of ports, including a dedicated magnetic charging port and two full-size USB ports. The other MacBooks relegate you to dongle hell.

Agreed. I made the same point in almost the same words in my comment! I have to wonder whether the author of this article knows the truth.

“Some restaurant owners will even deduct credit card processing fees (usually around 2-3 percent) from a server’s tips, so a nice 18 percent tip ends up somewhere around a mediocre 15 percent tip in my pocket.” You’ve confused 3% of the tip with 3% of the bill. 3% of an $18 tip is 54 cents. You would net $17.46,

I can see why you urge readers to buy a type c hub. But why, exactly, this type-hub? A quick search on Amazon reveals dozens of choices. Many, like yj=he Aukey, can provide passthrough charging. Why Aukey? Are its ports arranged more sensibly?

I can see why you urge readers to buy a type c hub. But why, exactly, this type-hub? A quick search on Amazon

1. I read Lifehacker on my tablet. My tablet has one browser, lightning Pro. Lightning Pro’s ad blocker won’t let me whitelist a site.

But at least when it happens in a retail queue; everyone who follows your lead will end up behind you. In traffic, by contrast, drivers who were ahead of you in your old lane can insert themselves ahead of you in your new lane.

God, that lane switcher in your YouTube clip is an immature a-hole.

The headline is misleading. Switching won’t backfire “almost always.” It will backfire if you switch because you’re the caboose.

In other words, when you’re sick pretend you’re your mother. Almost every mother I know has explained, “I don’t have time to be sick.”

What a heartbreaking story. Mark Twain said it best: “Adversity is easy to bear. Another man’s, I mean.”

“I’m one of those people who rarely carry cash...”

You don’t need to be spatially aware to figure out that you’re driving too close. Remember the two-econd rule?