I wonder: ould these rules have prevented the crash of the Mars Climate Orbiter? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Clim…
I wonder: ould these rules have prevented the crash of the Mars Climate Orbiter? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mars_Clim…
But can it match Monty Python’s Dirty Hungarian Phrasebook?
You can do that only if your nightmare is a lucid dream.
“One suggestion is to take a single word from the question and using it to build a strong response.” In other words: “Dodge, evade, or sidestep the question but make them think you didn’t.” Act like the politicians we hate? I’ll pass.
None of the flashlight enthusiasts at http://candlepowerforums.com respect the large MagLites. Many won’t even mention it by name, spelling it M*g. The main problem is that these flashlights lose brightness quickly as the cells lose voltage. 1 percent drop in voltage could cause a 5 percent drop in brightness. And C…
None of the flashlight enthusiasts at http://candlepowerforums.com respect the large MagLites. Many won’t even…
I hate vending machine signs that admonish, “DO NOT TILT.” In other words, “If your selection get stuck, either (1) take 15 minutes to apply for and process your one-dollar refund, or (2) be a chump.”
But the Sceptre, like all $400 4K monitors but the discontinued Seiki 39, compress chroma information at 4:2:2, not 4:4:4. Text quality will suffer.
I have the traits, and so does my son. I think it’s called photosensitivity. It can be inconvenient when you’re driving into the Sun.
“The article also recommends looking for a cabin configuration, if possible, of 2-3-2 or 2-4-2 seats rather than 3-3-3...” Does any price-finding site let you filter this way?
Myth 5: Coffee is a diuretic. I have had people insist thet you’re better off drinking a glass of water after swallowing a caffeine pill. Somehow, that water counts, but the water in your cup of coffee does not.
It’s not how much you spent, but how much you saved.
These tips were great. How refreshing to read an article based on facts, and not based on an author’s bullshit ideas.
No wrong career moves? Tell that to a divorced mother I knew who never s another penny of child support after her ex husband with his comfortable job as an accountant to pursue a career as a magician.
To your child: “if it turns out you just lied to me, may I tickle you without mercy for 3 minutes?”
Rodale Press, the (former?) publisher of Bicycling! Magazine, used to sell such a setup in the 1970s.
Bingo. Like that Asia-American Jeopardy winner whose playing style infuriated the haters, Mayweather understands that winners don’t play to entertain you; they played to win.
“Self, I haven’t chewed gum since I was a kid. So why am I chewing it now? Oh, right: so I’d stop thinking of ‘America’ from West Side Story. Damn, now it’s back!”
A starting salary of $50,000 to $60,000? That sounds way too low for a skill so scarce.
Side lighting is pretentious. Like too much makeup, it calls attention to itself and makes me suspect that someone is trying to pull the wool over my eyes.
What if you “sound black?” Controlled studies have found the women candidate’s name sounds black, the candidate receives fewer invitations to interview.