
Android #8... at least in that 10th anniversary DB movie...

I cannot decide between Black Market and the boxing ep...

My cat... well, my sister's cat, which she left here after moving to the US, doesn't even let me look at her for more than 5 seconds. She just goes away... Gonna try this to see what happens :D

Sorry Eliza, I like you, but I think most of them were more interesting >_<

It seems he was framed haha

Flight Of The Navigator...

I'd install some upgrades to my car if this was a normal situation

I just don't like the idea of Grimlock having someone on his back haha even if it is Robot Jesus...

Just build a a fleet of spacecraft capable of vaporizing those rocks, name the ships awesomely and call that section U.N. Spacy... Like that time humanity united for the kaiju threat and the Jaeger Program was created

Yeah, after he began stopping cars again, I thought the first guy would do something like that...

Goddamned Linda Blair and her spinning head... I saw The Exorcist at 8 I think... Fucked me up hard >_<

Now that you mention it, they did leave that possibility open in the first one and someone from the movie even hinted it, if I remember well, so that wouldn't be such a surprise...

at first glace I thought it was one of these without the armor :p

Lol sorry, Sherlock doesn't belong here and when I realized it, I couldn't edit it out haha oh well... move along. Nothing to see here :p

Yeah. It says "the SINGLE" best episode", but I cannot decide between these. Besides, this will be so burried that no one will read it anyway...

Damn... a few weeks ago I re-watched CB after several years... for some reason it hit me harder than the first time I saw it. This ep definitely is one of the greatest of anything T_T

Ok there was something bothering me and it was that the truck didn't look like that in the series. It didn't have those classy flames. There were two vehicles in the series

Dunno if this will be read hahaha I am to late to post here, but anyway... what about the truck from The Highwayman. It is a TV vehicle though

damn, you beat me to it hahhah