@blyan: count me in.
@blyan: count me in.
@Oleg Chetverikov: always worked if you had a windows phone. not well though.
I send all my games to Amazon.
@Antonella: they'll also research pets.com
@CoffeyWasHere: I think cover letters are pointless now since all apps are done online.
@bearslayer: they tried, but all that was left was a crater.
@morninggloria: awesome.
@You're Banned: I did an out of warranty replacement through Sony for 150 twice.
@The world will know squalor.: Yes. I got it on my original PS3, which they fixed for $150 with a normal but not backward compatible one. Then the bluray drive failed and for another $150 I got the slim.
@The world will know squalor.: mine died :-( they replaced it with a Slim.
@ehejl: laserdisc.
Hilton Gold here... headed to Diamond!
@zelfmoordkonijn: second-ed
at these meetings, will we discuss how to fix our Captivates GPS shenanigans?
@Scratic: used to live there.
i wish theyd put some money into fixing the gps issue in Captivate.
@hilikusopus: this is the only reply/reasoning that makes sense!
how is he being charged with trespassing?
the new maps are more interesting than a full on evolution.