
calm down there friend. Your act like he REALLY dropped his pants and took a Shit on the field as opposed to the "cut off" euphemism we got.

ugh...too many minorities. I know there's a black president but you guys are taking this Shit too far. *satire*

so ummm, what does this mean for people who use music unlimited? Like all the time, I use it everyday at work and sometimes on ps4, I have like 8 playlists. I don't have ANY complaints wtf.

Your right. His response was totally uncalled for.

why so much fucking venom? He's just a man who took the leap to try to get into the sometimes intimidating world of self built computers and pc gaming. I didn't see any thing about his comment that would solicit such vitriol from you.

soooo...just wondering, what EXACTLY is the problem with the video? People do crazy Shit when drunk, but it doesn't look like rape to me. She's actively performing oral sex on him, not saying you have to be of sound mind and body to do so but she doesn't appear to be under duress. When I think rape I think ghb,

so...not judging, but how fucking close are you sitting to your t.v. for the blue light to be an issue?

I disagree mike, you don't break into my house to tell me I have poor security if you know what I mean. Is sony being naive or lazy, yeah probably. But just cause I leave my Windows open doesn't mean I DESERVE to get broken into. That's along the same line as saying a woman deserved to be assaulted based on her

I've only ever played it on ps1, what exactly do they offer in the way of micro transactions? I mean seriously what do they give you?

I don't buy Nintendo so I guess it wouldn't really matter what they did in my book. Never owned a wii, don't want a wii-u, I'm not one of those Nintendo is for kids guys either I just acknowledge that Nintendo isn't for me.

why are there so few women in the industry? I'm ALL for supporting the ones who are here but I wonder If it's an issue of disinterest? If more women were in the industry that would be great but I don't think there's a conspiracy to keep them out, I think they don't care to pursue it. I HATE how women are treated

I felt the same way, I stopped playing destiny after a week anyway because I hated it but that ASIDE I felt it could've been world's better if it was just next generation

so I'm back, not to ask anymore questions or anything but to thank you one last time, after a small set back(i had to go with a slightly larger 750 power supply instead of the 500) my p.c. I'd now up and running, I still have a little ways to go to get it where I want it from a software standpoint, but the hard part

Nintendo fans are like domestic abuse victims, they know they should leave his no good ass, but there's something about him that keeps them from walking, they also make excuses for him, he's been having a tough time at work so that's why he's a little aggressive sometimes.

it's not really hard to understand, looking at when I used to work for a video game retail company I remember having a hard time explaining the difference between a ps3 and an xbox 360 and WHY one cost so much more than the other.

hi whitson, first thanks for posting this article, here's a little bit about myself, I'm currently in the process of building my own pc(specifically the $600 build from the other life hacker guide) and I had a few questions.

This is just a case of 1. Some people being hyper sensitive and 2. Target overreacting.

I meant*GOOD* Damn auto correct

I didn't mind eight, I just felt like xenogears was really special. It had a story that was so dead it should've become its own series but was hobbled at every turn.