
In the first world where the resource$$ exist to implement such surveillance levels this might work but on the other hand it might just help the criminal to diversify his/her crime type; surveillance might know where he is going but who will control what he might plan or do thru others? How do we know if the criminal

I believe this would not only put the general public in danger but the criminals themselves as well. Also, curtailing liberty is the desired effect.

I wanted to say something but you intimidating font won't let me.

Just in time to become Silmarillion's locations

Yes, but limitations are not indications of a haphazard built, moreso because we have a tool to overcome those obstacles, a tool that creates tools to influence or interact with the universe in ways we, with our bare hands couldn't.

Other universes might be made of different rules, for example there might be a sentient universe which can only grok itself and cannot conceive a neighboring cosmos. I agree with Denziloe about semantics as a possible factor that hinders a more complete perception of reality or realities.

compared to what ?

The question is, what do they got to lose?

And now you know why: zombies!

Mount 2 big ass lasers outside earth orbit and one round the moon and shoot away. When not shooting, make them collect sunlight and beam it down. Practice with Apophis.

Darth Vader

All irregularities will be handled by the forces controlling each dimension. Transuranic, heavy elements may not be used where there is life. Medium atomic weights are available: Gold, Lead, Copper, Jet, Diamond, Radium, Sapphire, Silver and Steel. Sapphire and Steel have been assigned.

Recommended viewing: The Shoes of the Fisherman. Not apocaliptic, but a nice insight to the inner workings of the papal election and nice performance from Anthony Quinn.

So, if I only read the first and last pharagraphs of the article...

I believe the continous and successful Batman reboots only warrant that a JL movie will never be made. So, the next Batman must tank.

Your move


This only highlights NASA's oversight not to mount a big ass laser on the rover to shoot at stuff.

Of course it's different. Cereal is controlled by milk. It's basic breakfastology.

But then again there's All Star Superman which is simply amazing even when it uses some of the things you say ruins the character.