
The lamp is $2500+...

Dont you have a significant other who can shout you the recipe from the computer room/basement?

If you buy this you are an horrible subhuman, who probably needs a fancy alarm clock too.

My babies have already grown up...

Do they? Maybe its a whole freaking holodeck!


Whatever works, is fast and cheap.

I am satisfied with what I'm hearing about Thor2, but my head will explode with THOR3: RAGNAROK.


Or maybe its cheaper to hire someone without experience

While the movie was fun, I also love all things art-deco, streamline-moderne. They better drown me in that since it probably be Connellyless

And yet we have Avengers which I thought quite good. Like LOTR, it depends on the director and... luck.

The Vertigo universe has so much novel material, thematical depth and characters which could translate into a good score of movies; stories outside the superhero genre with great market acceptance.

Needs correlation of birth data during the Jaws movies heyday.

srt or hardcoded?

Actually, it's an image of the rover, but FROM the future. You see, time and light are bent in Mars.

Guerrilla Terraforming, I approve this. Proceed.

Maybe she just fell into the mass grave

To tell you the truth, it looks like every other legendary monster I've ever seen.

You know it's a movie, yes? no?