
The thing is that by third part he means Silmarillion, which will be 24 hours long.

The Microsoft logo should be a blue square, like the blue screen of death.... HAHAHAHA

Beware, some applications you use daily -work- might not like it.

Still, very good for what it is.

Why, if you are not bound by meddling hollywoodian companies-producers would you sacrifice the source material for .. i don't know what purpose?

I'd like this made-condensed into a screensaver

But did anyone predict boson impostors? Who knows, maybe this impostor is even cooler!

Next: Bambi's mother head!

Power ups! that a good one.

Outer Space is simply not for the common human, we would have to undergo rigorous genetic changes to help us handle the hardships, radioactivity resistance, low or no oxygen, everything. And it must be done at the womb. That said, we will never in our present form, conquer Space.

Not on the list: El Guasón: Joker, El Arcertijo: The Riddler, Batgirl: Batichica, and Marlborotestmonkey7 as himself.


"God Particle""God Particle""God Particle""God Particle""God Particle""God Particle""God Particle""God Particle""God Particle""God Particle""God Particle""God Particle""God Particle""God Particle""God Particle"

A sort of super fan living among the ruins of a often critiziced movie with desert eagles and whatever that other thing is. Awesome and sad.

Too much work, let the industry do it.

This is not new, the phenomenon has been exhaustively documented by the nippon manga and cinema

Lego Prometeus, coming soon

Maybe the helicopter cat might do

Shine forever, Mr Bradbury

I was hoping to see The Fall of Gondolin or Ancalagon the Black, well, maybe next time