
Just came back from there.... this, althought nice, would be a corner store there.


Well, that's also the beauty of it and probably would also make it nearer to our wallets since the original -like it happens with mid-century designed stuff- would probably be marketed as a commodity instead of a time saver.

What is this? A kind of Ballardian's Batman?

And thank you for Watchmen as well!

Oh god, the hair! His head almost didn't fit the motorcycle helmet, hell, with so much cushioning he didn't even need it. Hmmm, Ben 10 creator might owe DC some money because of the RV...

Of course not, do you take me for a fool? Only gold!

Only if it comes as a development from Jarvis. But then again, beware, too many characters.

Send me a lot of money and I'll produce a nice diploma for ya! Bonus: troll identification chart and goblin rock.

Well, it seems to skip all of the "How to tell from a trailer that a movie is going to suck" signs. Good.

Yeah! That's the kind of development I want: practical and inmediate. And should look really nice if they glow at night (because of discharge).

Navigator is a fave of mine. Good call.

I'm still preferring a full body sealed glass encasing to be kept above ground and canopic jars with the following heads: alien, ninja, robot and pirate.

I was moved by the death of Cap Marvel, the handling of the Joker's motives in Batman as well as the story and dialog of the Lee/Moebius Silver Surfer, if the superhero genre can trascend the action and cgi it'll be by effectively portraying the values of the hero and the consequences of evil.

Like the comics then! It'll take both power and teamwork to work it out. Storywise is doable (and done)

Think Batman. He's about to be beaten before rising; and the movies couldn't be faring better.

Yes, but I want a Death of Captain Marvel movie. Maybe a backstory can be built into the "chapters" leading to A2: Thor2, Cap2, IM3... Hey Wheadon, hire me (and Jim Starlin)! Here's your beloved character to kill.

In order to setup everything for the great 2018 nerdgasm: Scarlet Witch. Also the following movies: Doc Strange, Death of Captain Marvel (wouldn't it be great to squezze a middle ongoing chapter in the heart of the continuity?) and redemption of sorts for the FF's.


Actually, she doesn't want a meteorite ring...really