
What about males and redheads? There, instant science.

Bat mite, then!

I'd rather have a Quake movie, if only for the vertigo inducing jumping

What about garlic scented iron necklaces for the sheeps? I don't see problems, only solutions, and a business opportunity.

Ok, it's the Red Hood. What did I win?

Oh woe! what about the rational mind now picked with the interest to make sense, to know what lies behind the fragmented images?

e-coli? why not e-bola?

I thought this was about player missile graphics.

Mr producers: Just look at those two, the origami making cop and the maybe replicant pi, flying in a cloud of awesomeness. I would prefer if nothing attempted against perfection, but if you have to, then aim high.

Right! I want to see Superman smashing thru an orbiting alien armada! I want the Sun Eater and Starro.

Hmmm, how can I turn this important bit of knowledge into a casual sex opportunity?

No previous idea of it's existance.

Redhead, all rational thought disabled

Finally we will get to see the attack ships on fire off the shoulder of Orion, C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser Gate. All those moments will be reduced from the glory of replicant poetry to 3D CGI effects, like tacked content. Time to die.

This is good, simply because I want to see heroes doing humongous stuff. Superman in supernature....

Given a time traveling machine I would bring From Dust till Dawn's Salma Hayek for Catwoman. Grrr.....

I would have tried to get Clive Owen first. I fear Barden will play it like a fake mexican, ala Banderas in Desperado (El Mariachi).

I will tonight!