
Hey, you guys could get a jump on everyone without breaking any media embargos. Just have Matt drive an accord around in reverse for a while.

@Spasticteapot: Buy in order to pull back the "budget luxury" they need the regular CTS to sell well. That is where the money will be made. The CTS-V (all of them) are the halo cars to get the press and bring a few people in who will leave in the standard CTS which is what a halo car should do.

@Spasticteapot: If you think this car was designed to appeal to the SUV punch drinkers I think you missed the point. Like the Buick Grand National, this is a car that shouldn't exist when you look at buyer demands, bean counters, and marketing research. That is what makes it special. This is a car for people who want…

Hotness indeed Matt, hotness indeed.

I would eat the high performance one, and then wait patiently for the V version of the second. Assuming it will have the same motor as the CTS-V.

@Steve_in_NC: only 1 and 4. Number one was because I didn't know any better yet. Number 4 was a free ticket and I got to ignore the plot and just spot magazine cars doing cameos.

@Steve_in_NC: Is there something wrong with me that I would watch that? I mean it would have to be better than the Fast and Furious.

@Wesley Blackman: And yet another day where no one else has a shot in hell at COTD, other than maybe Ash.

@eljefino: The corvettes with the active tailpipes have a fuse you can pull that disables the system, and for some reason the default mode is open.


@bacon117: As the prophet Clarkson said, "The internet is good for porn and Jalopnik." Interviews 4:27-28

@acarr260: @acarr260: It's cool, they have a song called Big Truck. So we know she likes metal too. Thinking if you ran into her in a bar you may be fighting over the same singles. Or some guy has one hell of a cool girlfriend.

The only way this would have been more fitting a tribute is if she paid for it by delivering Dominos.

@zekestone: can't forget the Cubs and the world series either.

I look forward to two things:

At this rate, the CG guys won't have any wanton destruction left to create, it'll all be real.