Hey, you guys could get a jump on everyone without breaking any media embargos. Just have Matt drive an accord around in reverse for a while.
Hey, you guys could get a jump on everyone without breaking any media embargos. Just have Matt drive an accord around in reverse for a while.
@Spiegel Scaglietti Calzone: I see someone has been keeping up on their (super) fast wagon reviews.
@Spasticteapot: Buy in order to pull back the "budget luxury" they need the regular CTS to sell well. That is where the money will be made. The CTS-V (all of them) are the halo cars to get the press and bring a few people in who will leave in the standard CTS which is what a halo car should do.
@Spasticteapot: If you think this car was designed to appeal to the SUV punch drinkers I think you missed the point. Like the Buick Grand National, this is a car that shouldn't exist when you look at buyer demands, bean counters, and marketing research. That is what makes it special. This is a car for people who want…
Hotness indeed Matt, hotness indeed.
I would eat the high performance one, and then wait patiently for the V version of the second. Assuming it will have the same motor as the CTS-V.
@Steve_in_NC: only 1 and 4. Number one was because I didn't know any better yet. Number 4 was a free ticket and I got to ignore the plot and just spot magazine cars doing cameos.
@Steve_in_NC: Is there something wrong with me that I would watch that? I mean it would have to be better than the Fast and Furious.
@Wesley Blackman: And yet another day where no one else has a shot in hell at COTD, other than maybe Ash.
@eljefino: The corvettes with the active tailpipes have a fuse you can pull that disables the system, and for some reason the default mode is open.
@LandofMinos. So stupid, he makes two short planks look like a computer.: So long as Depends is my sponsor.
@bacon117: As the prophet Clarkson said, "The internet is good for porn and Jalopnik." Interviews 4:27-28
The only way this would have been more fitting a tribute is if she paid for it by delivering Dominos.
@zekestone: can't forget the Cubs and the world series either.
I look forward to two things:
@twitchykun(ate Schrödinger's cat): I kept waiting for them to say that when they pulled the guy out of the car.
At this rate, the CG guys won't have any wanton destruction left to create, it'll all be real.